Saturday, August 31, 2019

Four Software Development Methodologies

Student Name Student ID Student Signature Assessor Name Assessor's Signature Final Result / Grade Assessed By / Date Case Study Research (worth 20% of final grade)100 MarksSOF535: Application Design and DevelopmentVersion 1.1, Level 5, Credits 20New Zealand Diploma in Information Technology Technical Support Level 5Task 1: Requirement Gathering and Analysis(Total 40 Marks) comparison between four software development methodologies. Four Software Development MethodologiesWaterfall Development MethodologyThe Waterfall approach to systems analysis and design was the first established modern approach to building a system. This method was originally defined by Winston W. Royce in 1970, (â€Å"The Waterfall Development Methodology†, 2006). It quickly gained support from managers because everything flows logically from the beginning of a project through the end, (Jonasson, 2008). Sources differ when it comes to the specific steps in the Waterfall process.Rapid Application Development MethodologyRapid application development is a software development methodology that uses minimal planning in favor of rapid prototyping. A prototype is a working model that is functionally equivalent to a component of the product.In the RAD model, the functional modules are developed in parallel as prototypes and are integrated to make the complete product for faster product delivery. Since there is no detailed preplanning, it makes it easier to incorporate the changes within the development process.RAD projects follow iterative and incremental model and have small teams comprising of developers, domain experts, customer representatives and other IT resources working progressively on their component or prototype.The most important aspect for this model to be successful is to make sure that the prototypes developed are reusable.Agile Development MethodologyThere are many different forms of the  Agile development method  including: Scrum, Crystal, Extreme Programming (XP), and Feature-Driven Development (FDD).  Agile methods  attempt to minimize risk (such as bugs, cost overruns, and changing requirements) by developing the software in iterations that  are mini-increments of the new functionality. The benefit of multiple iterations is that it improves efficiency by finding and fixing defects and expectation mismatches early on.Agile methods rely on real-time communication, which fails to provide new users with documentation to get up to speed. They require a huge time commitment from the users, and is labor-intensive on the developers due to the need to fully complete each feature within each iteration for user approval. The benefits to the software are realized early on due to the incremental addition of the iterations. The Agile methods are similar to RAD, and  can be inefficient in large organizations. Programmers, management and organizations accustomed to the Waterfall Method may have difficulty adjusting to Agile, and often a hybrid approach works well for them.DevOps Deployment MethodologyDevOps deployment  is centered around organizational change that  enhances the collaboration between the departments responsible for different segments of the development life cycle, such as development, quality assurance and operations. It is focused on improving the time to market, lowering the failure rate of new releases, shortening the lead time between fixes, and prioritizing minimal disruption as well as maximum reliability. To achieve this, DevOps aims to automate its continuous deployment to ensure everything happens smoothly and reliably.Companies that use  DevOps  have benefitted by significantly reducing the time to market, improving customer satisfaction, improving product quality and improving productivity and efficiency of its employees. A few  drawbacks of DevOps includeappropriate methodology that is suitable for this project.It totally depends on the nature of the project. Many people might argue that Agile is the best methodology for software development and it does have significant advantages in most cases; however, saying â€Å"Agile is better than Waterfall† is like saying â€Å"A car is better than a boat†. They both have advantages and disadvantages depending on the environment.Agile/Scrum works best with projects that have high levels of uncertainty and require an adaptive approach. A plan-driven approach (what many people loosely call â€Å"Waterfall†) works best in situations where the requirements are fairly certain and there is some need for predictability of project costs and schedules. And, of course, that is not meant to imply that there is a binary and mutually-exclusive choice between two extremes. There are many ways to blend an adaptive (Agile) approach with a plan-driven approach in the right proportions to fit the situation.There is no â€Å"silver bullet† methodology that fits all possible projects and the right solution is to fit the methodology to the nature of the problem rather than force-fitting a project to some predefined methodology. types of requirements1.Functional Requirements Functional requirements define the fundamental actions that system must perform.The functional requirements for the system are divided into three main categories, Reservation/Booking, Food, and Management. For further details, refer to the use cases.EXAMPLE 1.Reservation/BookingThe system shall record reservations.The system shall record the customer's first name.The system shall record the customer's last name. The system shall record the number of occupants.The system shall record the room number.The system shall display the default room rate.The system shall allow the default room rate to be changed.The system shall require a comment to be entered, describing the reason for changing the default room rate.The system shall record the customer's phone number.The system shall display whether or not the room is guaranteed. The system shall generate a unique confirmation number for each reservation.The system shall automatically cancel non-guaranteed reservations if the customer has not provided their credit card number by 6:00 pm on the check-in date.EXAMPLE 2FoodThe system shall track all meals purchased in the hotel (restaurant and room service). The system shall record payment and payment type for meals.The system shall bill the current room if payment is not made at time of service.The system shall accept reservations for the restaurant and room service.ManagementThe system shall display the hotel occupancy for a specified period of time (days; including past, present, and future dates).The system shall display projected occupancy for a period of time (days).The system shall display room revenue for a specified period of time (days).The system shall display food revenue for a specified period of time (days). The system shall display an exception report, showing where default room and food prices have been overridden.The system shall allow for the addition of information, regarding rooms, rates, menu items, prices, and user profiles.The system shall allow for the deletion of information, regarding rooms, rates, menu items, prices, and user profiles.The system shall allow for the modification of information, regarding rooms, rates, menu items, prices, and user profiles.The system shall allow managers to assign user passwords.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Sontract enforceable Essay

Mr Potbelly is holding a garage sale because he has to move up north due to loosing his job. Mr Slim Jim offers to purchase two items: an art pottery and the house. The art pottery sales is a sales of used goods, whereas the house sales is a real estate sales. The art pottery is worth ten times ($2’500) what Mr Potbelly wants ($250), and Mr Slim Jim even offers less than that ($200). The house is worth twice ($140’000) what Mr Potbelly wants from it ($75’000), and Mr Slim Jim even offers less than that ($70’000). Mr Potbelly agrees with both offers verbally and starts packing the art pottery while waiting for Slim Jim’s bank check for the house. By the time Mr. Slim Jim returns with the money, Mr Potbelly has discovered that he could have earned much more money with his two sales and decides not to honour both sales contracts. Mr Slim Jim decides to sue Mr Potbelly in order to enforce both sales contracts. Issues: 1) Is the art pottery sale’s contract valid? Under what ground could Mr Potbelly decide to contest its’ validity? 2) Is the house sale’s contract valid? Under what ground could Mr Potbelly decide to contest its’ validity? Rules 1) In order to be enforceable, a contract has to gather different elements such as:   Mutual consent: both parties must have a clear understanding of what the contract is about. If one party thinks the contract is about an iron cup and the other thinks it is about a gold cup, then there is no mutual consent: each party consents to something different from the other.   Offer and acceptance: a contract involves that one party offers something and the other accepts it. ? Mutual Consideration: both parties must exchange something of value. The mutual consideration condition is not a way to escape the consequences of a bad negotiation. If a person agrees to sell an object for $50 and gets a better offer of $500 five minutes later, then the first sales contract will still be enforceable. ? Performance (delivery): in order to make the contract enforceable, the obligations to be performed under the agreement must have been executed. For example, in a sales of goods, one party must pay the price, and the other deliver the good. As long as the price hasn’t been paid, the delivery of the goods cannot be enforced. Good faith: both parties must act in good faith, which means that the object of the sales must be clear for each of the parties. ? No violation of public policy (not relevant in this case). Last, but not least, in case of an oral sales of goods contract, the burden of proving reality of the agreement lies with the person trying to enforce the contract. 2) The sales contract which comprise transfer of property of land does have to respect the same principles as for sales of goods, but it has to respect one more condition: it has to be in writing AND signed by all parties in order to be enforceable under Statute of Frauds Law. The existence of these conditions are criticised for enabling sellers to change their mind even as the contract is entered into (contract enforceable even if not in writing if ALL parties agree). Application 1) Mr Potbelly’s pottery sales’ contract is valid under mutual consent, offer and acceptance (both Potbelly and Slim Jim agreed on the object and the price), mutual consideration, and non violation of public policy. On the other hand, there might be a zone of discussion on performance as Mr Slim Jim has not yet paid the price, so the delivery of the goods might not be enforceable. There might also be a zone for discussion on good faith, as Mr Potbelly though he was selling a normal pottery and Mr Slim Jim knew he was buying a piece of art (but there might be a problem in proving that he knew). Therefore, although there is little chance Mr Potbelly will escape the consequences of his bad negotiation, there is still a slight chance depending on the elements he might bring up to trial. 2) The sales’ contract of the house has not yet been written and/or signed. Therefore, Mr Potbelly will escape having to sell his house to Mr. Slim Jim.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Guns in the US: The statistics behind the violence Essay

Americans love their guns, and they will love them until the end of time. But as years go by gun violence has increased throughout the U.S. Experts have yet to decide whether to ban guns altogether or would it be just plain impossible since Americans gun bearing tradition is so embedded that we could never give them up. Or could we just simply prevent guns from falling into the wrong hands? Gun violence has just gotten worse throughout the years. It seems like every day we hear a story about another â€Å"mass shooting† and there is a big possibility that we will never stop hearing it. Each day we hear the horrors of the stories of the children being in the crossfire or young adults being involved in these shooting. How could society mess up this bad that children are being killed for things that had nothing to do with them. Now that there are more and more cases involving gun violence, concerns are being known. How can people live safe when there are guns being used for the w orst almost every day? Americans have had the right to bear arms when the 2nd amendment in the Bill of Rights was adopted in December 1791. So, would it be so hard to implement stricter gun laws or just not have guns at all? The U.S owns more guns than any of the other countries even if it accounts for only 5% of the world’s population, the U.S. residents own 50% of guns in the world. Some people think that the more guns the more violence there would be. While others think that guns for self-defense, hunting and collecting them are a good reason to own a firearm. Why are shooting occurring INTRO Can anything be done about it? INTRO //////Will gun laws help this situation or is America to attached to having guns or will we ever give them up/////Can we take measures like not letting people with mental health have guns in their home? Or people who have been convicted of violent crimes Or no-fly lists Where have stricter gun laws been effective/ineffective How have the other countries addressed the gun issues? Stricter gun laws After a mass shooting, Australia passed the National Firearms Agreement in April 1996. A man with a semi-automatic killed 35 people and injured 18. After this law was passed Australia banned semi-automatic self-loading rifles and shotguns and had stricter incensing and registration requirements. Since the ban of 1969 rate of homicides; murder and manslaughter have fallen. People who can’t buy guns Felons can’t have guns. they can not live in the household with a gun. Someone who has been convicted of violent or gun-related misdemeanors. Abusers of alcohol or drugs. Severe mental illness. Americans who have threatened to harm themselves or harm others go through a background check to prevent them from having a gun for at least 6 months.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

A Good Life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

A Good Life - Essay Example This positive vibe helps in accomplishing our dreams and whatever we want to achieve at a certain point of time. Another method that can be helpful is trying to concentrate on our strengths rather than our weaknesses. Once we are aware what we are capable of, we become confident, this confidence in return helps us to become happy and satisfied. Satisfaction is something which is lacking in us today. We are always craving for more and more. The ongoing hunger to get more and more takes away our happiness. Let us take a simple example in this context. A rich man is never satisfied and always tensed, the reason being that he is greedy to have more. He can never be content and happy. Where as a poor man realizes that he cannot achieve much in his life and he is content with what he has and never tries to get more. He is happier compared to the rich man. So, we can understand one thing that luxury cannot give us happiness or in other words, one does not need to be rich to lead a good life . A simple life is important to lead a good life. Another important thing that needs to be kept in mind is that we should never hold on t our past, rather we should let it go. The past cannot be changed but holding to it will definitely ensure that we ignore in building a better future. One should learn from the past and try to be better prepared for the future.

Investment Analysis essay for the exam Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Investment Analysis for the exam - Essay Example In actively managed portfolios, fund managers do not believe that market is always efficient and they are always eager to make use of such mismatch in pricing that does not discount the information completely. If active fund manager remains successful in identifying such opportunities, it is possible to make above average returns without exposing to higher systematic risk and thus, it is possible to outperform the market through actively managed portfolios. Information always continues to flow in the market and prices keep on fluctuating. Sometimes the information is stock specific and sometimes, some macroeconomic factors may provide direction to the market. Disadvantage of actively managed fund is that these funds have higher expense ratios. They also pay higher taxes as they frequently enter and exit in the market. Due to their modus-operandi, these funds may give higher returns; however, they carry higher risks too. It is also true that prices fluctuate in response to available information widely as per the perceptions of the players involved and they are mostly unpredictable. Usually, it is not possible to use information to predict future price. Contrasting actively managed funds, passively managed funds take a long term view and do not frequently enter or exit the market. The advantage is that they are less risky and pay lesser taxes in comparison to active funds. Owing to limited number of transactions, passively managed funds spend less on transaction costs. They usually provide risk free average returns. Passively managed funds are highly diversified to minimize market risks. Another advantage is that they are not information dependent while reshuffling their portfolios, which usually happen at much lesser frequency. The only disadvantage that can be said against passively managed funds is that they do not provide fancy returns;

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Readings Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Readings - Essay Example Future philosophers Jeffery Reiman concludes that the existing systems of justice could be the best system in the world if its ideology is used wealthily and therefore cooperation is needed from the people to put this unjust social order in order. Yes by the Paul G Cassel, a District could Judge in United States argues that on the basics of this Miranda Rule, the warren court criminal procedure juris Prudence rays extraordinary and unparalleled chains over the police department which is our important social department The police strongly objected the rule as it is obstructing the investigative proceedings. Even cartoonists ridiculously sketched the law and its practices. A 120-page report was also made suggesting to over rule and abandon Miranda Rule. Also the law holds god to only those who are innocent of any crime. But what is the need to respect a criminal. These anti social elements observe the least. These can be some intermediate rule by which the doubtful respect is to kept under Miranda rule Stephen J. Shhulhofer agrees to the rule and had a opinion. He assets that US require Miranda protection to accused victims. According to him the rule has to be regarded as a compulsory constitutional requirement, which doesn’t cause any potential damage to criminal which effective enforcing the law. Yes Akhil Reed Amar Yale law professor argues that the execution of law is resetting in wrongful acquits and erroneous convictions. As the reliable evidence is excluded from the traits, it is becoming easy and helping guilty ones. While the rule is leaving a throbbing experiences on this innocent defendants. Answer is No from Michigan law professor, Yale Kamisar who is feeling contended with this constitution are together in an agreement so that there is no place to illegally obtained evidence. The court doesn’t require passing any orders for lawless activities in the act of enforcement of

Monday, August 26, 2019

English As An Additional Language Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

English As An Additional Language - Essay Example In the United Kingdom, a group of London-based Advanced Skills Teachers (AST) formed a network to develop English as an Additional Language, or EAL, as an area of specialism. The project’s objectives are to provide professional development, knowledge, and expertise in English as an additional language, and to raise awareness of EAL and encourage dialogue and discussion about the needs of bilingual learners in participating schools across the whole staff (Daly, 2005: 1). English as an Additional Language is actually only one of three categories under the program English Language Teaching (ELT). The ELT is comprised of specific skills that are provided different nomenclatures. The first is English as a Foreign Language, or EFL, which is aimed at foreigners who are on a brief sojourn in Britain, for them to be equipped with basic English communication skills during their visit. The second category is English as a Second Language, or ESL, designed for people who have decided to settle in Britain and make it their home. Finally, there is the EAL, which is specially geared for school pupils who now reside in the UK. As is clearly the intent, EAL is designed to provide students with the necessary English skills to not only get by but maximize the benefits they may obtain in the regular curriculum. EAL in schools also include and encompass both EFL and ESL – that is, it caters to the needs of both school pupils spending a short time in Britain, as we ll as those who have permanently decided to settle there (Teachernet, 2007). The City and County of Swansea support the Ethnic Minority Language and Achievement Service, or EMLAS. This is comprised of a central team of specialist teachers and speakers of 17 languages besides English and Welsh. These languages include Bengali, Arabic, Chinese, Urdu, Czech, Punjabi, Polish and Turkish, among others. The EMLAS team member go into schools to help children learn English, working with them in their lessons, as well as offering advice to the children’s teacher concerning their special requirements (City and County of Swansea, 2010).

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Journal 8 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Journal 8 - Essay Example The medium in which Rehnquist used is oil on aluminum, providing it a different texture. Additionally, F-111 fully wraps around four different walls, taking up a lot of space and the area is completely filled with a variety of images. B: The painting itself is appears to be a grouping of icons from the time period, most especially easily determined by the girl under the 60s style hair dryer. Additionally, the scale on which it was painted is enormous, filling up an entire space. The image of the airplane passes through many other objects that do not seem to relate to it at all in terms of context but include the girl, what appears to be an advertisement for spaghetti and then an explosive cloud. This piece of art is contemporary and ahead of its time but could possibly reflect the issues during that time such as the war in Vietnam and shows that while there was a war going on, there are other pieces of American nostalgia also

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Cytogenetics Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Cytogenetics - Coursework Example Other Cytogenetic techniques include Fluorescent in-situ hybridization, Centromere or C-banding, replication banding, Sub-microscopic telomere analysis, distamycin staining and Comparative Genomic Hybridization (1). Abnormalities in chromosomes can also be identified by non-cytogenetic methods, like that of Microarray analysis and Molecular analysis of Telomeric sequences (1). Human numerical abnormalities are now measured by the advent of cytogenetics, which include Downs Syndrome, Turners syndrome and Klinefelters syndrome. The advance of molecular cytogenetics started in 1980s with the advent of Fluorescent in-situ hybridization. Later than FISH, technique of chromosome microdissection came in picture in which micromanipulation and examination of chromosome was carried out. This method lead to study in detail the aberration in chromosomal structure that could be isolated cloned and thereby studied in even finer detail. This method is also been put to medical use like in diagnosis of cancer and in hematological malignancies where it is used to determine the chromosomal translocations in the malignant cells, thus making the diagnosis easier and thereby the treatment becomes more specific. It is also used in the identification of the abnormality in myeloid leukemia (2). The future focuses on molecular cytogenetics include Comparative genomic hybridization microarrays; Single-Polynucleotide based Polymerization based karyotyping. Report for the clinician referred to: 1. Observation and background: Given sample of Mrs. Krerr has been analyzed and karyotyping was carried out based on the G-banding Karyotype. There were clear indications of translocation between in Chromosome 4 and 11 having t(4;11)(q21:p13) phenotype. Based on published literature and reports translocation in chromosome 4; 11 was found to be associated with high risk infant acute leukemia (3) which arises due to illegitimate re-combination between MLL and AF4 gene. Identification of this gene translocation in early stage of life cycle allows us to define the treatment regime in subsequent development of diseases (4). The mechanistic aspect of this translocation is largely unknown but researchers are able to map the genomic breakpoints and, in this particular case it was found to be hyper-sensitive to Dnase I and the cleavage site for Topoisomerase II. 2. Probable Gene involved and proteins: a) AF4p12, also known as FRYL gene homologous to Drosophila FRY gene could be involved in maintaining integrity of polarized cell during morphogenesis (6). b) MLL 11 Q23 transcriptional regulators. 3. Further investigations: Observed karyotype and interpretation needs to be validated based on little more cytogenetic analysis including Q- banding to obtain high resolution banding pattern to locate precise translocation. Similarly NOR (Silver) staining will help to identify translocation due to involvement of shorter arm translocation in given sample. But it is highly recommended to use Q-PCR methodology using fusion specific primer (i.e. primer which amplifies fusion region of MLL and AF4). The results of PCR amplification can

Friday, August 23, 2019

Cultural Differences Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Cultural Differences - Research Paper Example American workplace however differs that individuals are expected to rely on its own merit where hiring and promotion depends on what one have done or can do. It will not be offensive to impose professionalism at work. While kinship is valued in Philippine society in general, its professional class understands the virtue of performance and results as a basis for hiring and promotion. The perspective about power has the biggest disparity between United States and the Philippines. US scored 40 on this and this is reflective of American values of equality, liberty and justice for all compared to the Philippines which is a younger society and thus still feudalistic scoring 94 manifesting its hierarchial society which is reflective of its society’s inherent inequalities. Unlike in the US workplace where both managers and employees share information frequently in a manner that is informal, direct and participative, it is quite the opposite in the Philippines where subordinates expect to be told what to do and the ideal boss is the benevolent autocrat. While American workplace requires little structure and little rules, these are emphasized in the Philippine workplace. Subordinates know their places and are generally accepting of this structure. This difference in perspective of the workplace an easily be resolved as a new manager in the Philippine context by clearly stating what is expected of its employees or subordinates. It can initiate a new culture of being more â€Å"egalitarian† in the workplace making it more flat which Philippine society is generally accepting of any initiative from the management as long as it does not threaten them. Both countries scored low on long-term orientation with the Philippines scoring 19 while the US scored 29. This does not however mean that both countries share all the characteristic of short sightedness. US short

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Transfer To Virginia Tech Essay Example for Free

Transfer To Virginia Tech Essay I have come to a point in life that many people have not.   I have made a firm decision to recommit myself to pursuing my dreams.   While there are those who believe that with an ounce of luck and a ton of persistence anything can be accomplished, I believe that there is no reason to expend so much energy and rely on luck.   I believe in taking hold of my destiny and carving out a future for myself based on the decisions that I make in life.    Life is simply too short and too precious to be left to luck alone.   This is why I have chosen to apply at (Selected University Here). My most important character strength, in my opinion, is my ability to adapt, accept and learn from different cultures.   I traveled a lot when I was younger and have been exposed to all sorts of cultures and societies.   Growing up, I found myself amidst people of many different cultural backgrounds and I have found that I have grown to accept people for who they are and not where they are from. The world is fast becoming a borderless place.   Cultures, races, beliefs and ideologies are blend together and interact because of the growing advances in communications.   In order to succeed in this world, one needs to be able to adapt to the various cultural differences as well as be able to maintain a certain sense of individual identity.   This is why I firmly believe that Virginia Tech is the perfect place for me. In order to get ahead in this world, it is important to have a good education.   While I began to pursue my dream at App State University, I feel that Virginia Tech is the better place for me.   The fact that my mother graduated from Virginia Tech only adds to the many reasons why having a quality education from a well-known school is crucial to the pursuit of my long term goals in life. While I personally believe that â€Å"there is no such thing as a free lunch† and that everything a person has in life must come from hard work and perseverance, I also believe in charity.   I believe in helping others who do not have much in life.   I believe in helping people regardless of their nation, race or creed.   I believe in being a better person so I can best help myself and others around me.   I strongly feel that my time of being an object at rest has gone on long enough and that it is now time for me to move forward to achieve my dreams.   For this reason, I feel that (name of university) is the best place for me to turn these beliefs into realities.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

David and Solomon Essay Example for Free

David and Solomon Essay In 1 Kings 9:12-13, Hiram, the king of Tyre, is described as not pleased with the kind of towns that King Solomon has given him. Perhaps expecting for something that would have equaled all the pine, cedar and gold that he gave Solomon, Hiram questioned the King about the towns that he received. On the other hand, 2 Chronicles 8:2 merely mentions that Solomon reconstructed the villages that Hiram had given, after which he settled the Israelites in these villages. Following the passages in 1 Kings 9:10-28, Hiram named the twenty towns in Galilee he received from Solomon as the Land of Cabul. The word â€Å"Cabul† means ‘what does not please’ in Phoenician. The fact that the Hiram named the land Solomon has given him â€Å"Cabul† suggests that, indeed, Hiram was not pleased at all with the gestures of the King. Perhaps the reason to Hiram’s displeased reaction is that he gave all the pine, cedar and gold that Solomon wanted only to get twenty lands which did not suit his taste. It might have been the case that Hiram had high expectations in return of his gestures to Solomon. On the other hand, 2 Chronicles 8:2 suggests that Hiram gave the towns to Solomon instead of Solomon supposedly giving Hiram the twenty towns in Galilee in 1 Kings 9:11. In 2 Chronicles 8:2, it is mentioned that Solomon â€Å"rebuilt† the cities he received, implying that the cities were not in good condition. In the same passage, we are also told that Solomon eventually placed the Israelites to live in those rebuilt cities. The passage appears to point us the idea that Solomon was a king who was out to develop the undeveloped and to expand his dominion through the resources he garnered from his conquests. Moreover, Solomon’s men together with Hiram’s sailors returned home from Ophir delivering four hundred and fifty talents of gold to Solomon in 2 Chronicles 8:17-18. On the contrary, 1 Kings 9:28 narrates the same fleet of men sailing to Ophir but only delivering four hundred and twenty talents of gold to Solomon. The discrepancy in the amount of gold delivered suggests at least two ideas: one is that Solomon was either exceedingly triumphant or not in his exploits and two is that he was either a well-respected ruler or not by his subjects. In essence, the accounts provided in 2 Chronicles 8:1-18 suggest that Solomon was a king who was exceedingly triumphant so much so that Hiram was compelled to give him cities which Solomon then rebuilt. On the other hand, the accounts provided in 1 Kings 9:10-28 suggest that Solomon was a ruler who, in general, did not give the appropriate dues to people who expected much from him insomuch as he was a ruler who the royal subjects can easily steal from due in part to a lack of honesty and respect. I think the two accounts differ with respect to the descriptions of the character and the actions of Solomon because of differing perceptions towards Solomon. I think the inclusion of the displeased reaction of Hiram in 1 Kings 9:12-13 may suggest that some people saw Solomon at the time of his rule as someone who could only care less about how other people may see him and react against his actions. On the contrary, the omission of Hiram’s reaction in 2 Chronicles 8:2 may suggest that how people viewed Solomon with regard to his actions was irrelevant since he may have been seen as a righteous ruler who provided for his subjects their necessities. In general, the description of Solomon’s reign in 1 Kings is not only â€Å"based on a variety of sources with a different provenance† but also â€Å"displays traces of different stages of redaction† (Talshir, p. 233) or the combination of multiple source texts, thereby suggesting that the differences in the accounts can be largely attributed to their respective writers. In both 2 Samuel 8:1-18 and 1 Chronicles 18:1-17, the triumphs of David in all of his wars are narrated. In all of the wars revealed in the two accounts, David is portrayed as an able leader who is very much capable of invading territories and still not forgetting to make offerings to God such as the gold and silver exploits. Both accounts agree that the Lord helped David wherever he went, indicating that the Lord was pleased with the efforts of David. However, one major difference between the two accounts is that, in 2 Samuel 8:2, David is described as having been able to defeat the Moab forces which was followed by the execution the few remaining Moabites. In the selection process, the Moabites were made to lie on the ground in a line and those who were within two lines were put to death while those in the third length were given the chance to live under the rule of David. Apparently, nothing about the process of the execution was mention throughout 1 Chronicles 18:1-17. The inclusion of the description of the execution of the Moabites in 2 Samuel 8:2 gives a rough image of how David was supposedly ruthless towards his conquered subjects. The passage gives us the impression that, although David was kind enough to â€Å"randomly† allow some of the Moabites to live, he was nonetheless a leader and a warrior who showed little mercy towards those who have survived the onslaught of his armies. The seemingly detailed account of the execution of the Moabites creates an eerie mental environment, appearing as a visual reminder that David was a conqueror who displayed his authority and power with little mercy. And yet, David is still portrayed in the same passage as an abiding servant of the Lord who never forgets to provide his offerings to God. It signifies that, since the Lord helped David wherever he went, nothing can stand against the way and the disposition of David. In essence, it appears that the position of the writer in 2 Samuel 8:1-18 is that David was a devout servant of the Lord while being a ruthless conqueror who can easily take the lives of his conquered subjects according to his will. On the other hand, the writer of 1 Chronicles 18:1-17 seems to suggest that David was blessed by the Lord and that he was a leader who piously served and gave offerings to the Lord without the hint of ruthlessness revealed in 2 Samuel 8:2. The two accounts differ primarily because David, I think, was a ruler hated in his time by those who became victims of his military actions. It is therefore not surprising that at least one account pertaining to David’s military advances gave several details about how people were executed depending on the decision of David. However, those who saw David as a righteous ruler and those who benefitted from his triumphs are more inclined to put David on a more positive regard. Roddy L. Braun suggests that the Chronicler—the writer of the book of Chronicles—presents David’s kingship as â€Å"greeted by the mixed multitudes of Israel with immediate and enthusiastic unanimity† (Braun, p. 503) unlike the respective writers of Samuel and Kings. Such variations in writings can hardly be reconciled almost entirely and that the only way to avoid the vicious circle that can commence from the failure to reconcile the accounts, as Sara Japhet suggests, is â€Å"by studying the matter from its positive aspects—not from what is omitted, but from what is existent† (Japhet, p. 206). Thus, it is not necessarily the case that the differences in the accounts mean that one account is true and the other is not. While Solomon may be portrayed in Kings quite differently from Chronicles or while David may be portrayed in Samuel differently from Chronicles, the differences may not essentially signify the truthfulness or falsehood of either one of the accounts. Rather, the presence of additional details in the each account provides more insight into the lives of Kings David and Solomon. Works Cited Braun, Roddy L. â€Å"Solomonic Apologetic in Chronicles. † Journal of Biblical Literature 92. 4 (1973): 503-16. Japhet, Sara. â€Å"Conquest and Settlement in Chronicles. † Journal of Biblical Literature 98. 2 (1979): 205-18. Talshir, Zipora. â€Å"The Reign of Solomon in the Making. † Vetus Testamentum 50. 2 (2000): 233-49

The Right To Access Clean Water Environmental Sciences Essay

The Right To Access Clean Water Environmental Sciences Essay Human rights ensure that the basic needs of a human are provided equally to all individuals regardless of monetary stature, race, religion or discrimination of any sort. It works to maintain that both, the bearer and the recipient play an active role in this providence. In the 21st century Human Rights is becoming much more important and playing an additional vital role as further needs are being labelled as a right that should be enjoyed and exercised by all individuals. One such human right is the right to access clean water. There are basic human rights that have often been recognized, food, healthcare, etc. So it should come to no surprise that Water is also a basic human right. Water is, in our eyes, a fundamental human necessity as there is no life without water. Yet, the situation remains that not every human being on this other is gifted with access to clean water. Moreover, the lack of clean water is transforming from a limitation to an enormous threat. Definition of terms Human Rights Council The Human Rights Council is an inter-governmental body within the United Nations system made up of 47 States responsible for the promotion and protection of all human rights around the globe. Groundwater   Groundwater is water that is found underground in the cracks and spaces in soil, sand and rock. It is an important source of water for consumption. Low income groups Individuals with access to a low income in comparison with the average income of the general population in an area. Income is the amount of money an individual earns in a certain time period. Inadequate Inadequate means that a certain factor is unfit for usage or consumption. It does not fulfil the needs of a task or individual. Millennium Development Goals The MDGs are eight goals that were formed at the Millennium Summit in 2000 and aim to bringing international development. All member nations of the UN have agreed to meet these goals by the year 2015. Background The background to this issue on the agenda lies in the simple fact that 900 million people worldwide dont have access to clean water. A basic need of the human body; lying out of reach for all these people is not a matter that the UN would leave unaddressed. The underlying problem that causes this issue of lack of clean water is with the unequal distribution of water and poverty. Often, low income groups, those living in extreme poverty and people living in rural areas cannot afford a clean water supply and make do with unreliable water sources. Over 3.4 million people die every year from causes related to water, sanitation and hygiene and 99 percent of these deaths occur in the developing world. Out of just over 7 billion people on this planet, more than 894 million dont have access to improved water sources; which is about one in nine people. As rivers dry up, lakes shrink and groundwater reserves get depleted, that figure will rise to 3 billion in 2025, especially in parts of Asia and Africa. These facts are just the tip of the iceberg as the ongoing issue stems into many other situations that the UN has to face and its roots must be uncovered by members of the UN so that the access to clean water is no longer a demand, but a provision. Causes of the Lack of Clean Water The fact remains that there is indeed enough water on Earth for the need of the world population. Thereby the problem lies in the unequal distribution of water and poverty around the globe. Inequality of Distribution Lack of transportation systems and systems to obtain water, such as harvesting rainwater and extracting groundwater as well as in some cases not restricting peoples access to water has left clean water in scarcity. When the extraction of groundwater becomes excessive (for industrial and agricultural use), its availability at domestic households is poorly affected. Poverty Economic condition is another factor with access to clean water. Developing countries such as India have a number of rural areas where there is an inadequate water supply. Individuals have to usually travel long distances to get water from rather unsafe sources. Even in Developed nations such as the USA, low income groups typically live in places that are not provided with adequate water supply options. For example, impoverished slum dwellers in  Angola  draw drinking water from the local river where their sewage is dumped. Farmers on the lower reaches of the Colorado River struggle because water has been diverted to cities like Las Vegas and Los Angeles. Corruption Corruption too plays a part in the scarcity of clean water and reduces its availability. Slow response or no response at all to this issue in some areas is all due to corruption. Almost 40 percent of water is lost in leakages from water pipes and canals of which the main cause is illegal tapping. This also results in a hike in water prices which only goes on to ruin the poor. Important Measures Obviously an issue of such importance is not being given the spotlight in just now, in the 21st century. Measures have been taken previously to deal with the right to access clean water. In 1948, The Universal Declaration of Human Rights came into being which laid down the basis to all universal rights. It formed the various social, economic and political rights of humans. In 1966, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights was formed which was a legal binding treaty where States parties are obligated to protect, respect and fulfil rights such as the right to life, the right to dignity, and the right to self determination. The right to water is not explicitly defined in this treaty but comes under the right to life as water is essential for human life on planet Earth. The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, which took place in 1979, was the first time water supply was addressed in a legally binding way.   Article 14.2(h) states that women have the right to enjoy adequate living conditions, particularly in relation to housing, sanitation, electricity and  water supply. This convention was followed by the Convention on the Rights of the Child, 10 years after in 1979. The convention talks about the right to health in Article 24, where the focus on combating disease and malnutrition primarily states that children should have a provision of nutritious food and clean water. Moreover, Article 27, the entitlement to adequate living conditions is said by the Committee on the Rights of the Child to include access clean water. One of the key conferences was the Millennium Summit, New York, USA in 2000. The conference adopted The Millennium Declaration and set various Millennium Development Goals. One of the targets is concentrated on the right to access clean water: the goal to reduce by half the proportion of people without access to safe drinking water by 2015 The United Nations has also declared that the decade from 2005 to 2015 is known as the Water for Life decade In March 2008 at the Human Rights Council Resolution on Human Rights and Access to Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation decided an independent expert should be appointed to deal with the issue of the right to access clean water and basic sanitation. In the September of that year (2008) the Human Rights Council appointed Catarina de Albuquerque as the Independent Expert. She began her mandate on 1 November 2008. She has already made a number of visits to various destinations where she inquires and checks on the state of access to clean water and gives advice and makes recommendation on what further steps can be taken and how to go about in bringing them out. In July 2010 at United Nations General Assembly Resolution on the right to water and sanitation a resolution was initiated by Bolivia. The Resolution 64/ 292 acknowledges that clean drinking water and sanitation are integral to the realisation of all human rights. The Resolution also welcomes the important work carried out by the Independent Expert on the issue of human rights obligations related to access to safe drinking water and sanitation and welcomes her presentation of an annual report to the General Assembly. 122 Nations voted in favour of this resolution and 41 countries abstained. The abstentions were mostly from primarily developed countries including the USA, Canada, Australia and several European Nations who commented that the resolution would undermine UNs Human Rights Council in Geneva to build a compromise on water rights. Solving the Problem How to go about solving the issue is the actual setback on solving this global concern. Short term, and relatively simple, measures have to be taken. Treating water with chlorine, setting up new pipes and canals for widespread transportation, filters, etc are all existing technologies that can be implemented. Short term measures differ from country to country as not country has the same barriers in providing clean water. The long term goal remains to provide easily available sources of clean and treated water for all individuals. Methods of water conservation such as water recycling and drip irrigation do contribute in making clean water more available but to bring about quick and decisive long term change a global step must be taken with all countries in unison so that the individuals of the world may benefit. The resolution introduced by Bolivia in July 2010, which was passed, aimed at recognizing this matter once again and showed the divide between countries. 41 countries who did not want to go on record for not passing this resolution abstained, as it would complicate steps being taken in Geneva to deal with the same issue at the UNs Human Rights council. Moreover, the resolution was not regulatory and its main aim was to raise concern for the issue and bring out backing for solutions that may come through. To resolve, however, this crisis, nations must come together as one to produce a resolution that tackles the right to access clean water thoroughly and provides the necessary change required for individuals to be given easily available, clean water. Key Conferences 1977  United Nations Water Conference, Mar del Plata, Argentina 1990  The Global Consultation on Safe Water and Sanitation 1990  World Summit for Children 1992  International Conference on Water and the Environment, Dublin, Ireland 1995  World Summit for Social Development, Copenhagen, Denmark 1997  The First World Water Forum, Marrakesh, Morocco 2000  Millennium Summit, New York, USA 2000  The Second World Water Forum, Ministerial Conference on Water Security in the Twenty-First Century, The Hague, Netherlands 2001  International Conference on Fresh Water, Bonn, Germany 2001  New Partnerships for African Development, NEPAD framework document 2002  World Summit on Sustainable Development, Rio + 10, Johannesburg, South Africa 2003  Third World Water Forum, Kyoto, Japan 2006  Fourth World Water Forum, Mexico 2009  Fifth World Water Forum, Istanbul, Turkey

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Weber vs. Marx Essay -- essays research papers

Weber destabilizes the relationship between base and superstructure that Marx had established. According to Weber, the concept of historical materialism is naà ¯ve and nonsense because superstructures are not mere reflections of the economic base. (â€Å"The Protestant Ethic† and â€Å"The Spirit of Capitalism (1904-5) Weber agrees that the economy is one of the most faithful forces in modern life. However there are other social and legal factors which exhibit power and thus influence society. These factors help define bureaucratic society or Weber’s concept of modern society which operates through the rational administration of labor. According to Weber, the condition of modern society is disenchantment, which, through rationalization (division of labor), worldly activity is no longer motivated by cultural or spiritual values (meaning) but is instead motivated by economic impulsion. Ironically though, Weber attributes religious aestheticism (meaning) to the root of rationalization, and once mechanism (capitalism) takes off on its own, that religious root is no longer needed to justify work. Thus, mechanized petrification emerges, leaving hardly any room for spontaneity, with a few exceptions.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In establishing a definition of modern society, Weber, unlike Marx, acknowledges that certain ideas can have great influence on material conditions. He suggests a more complex, dynamic relationship between economy and superstructure. Human activity is motivated by reasons other than just capitalist consumption. For example, many people act based on meaning, such as religious or spiritual. Values shape how people live. Weber accuses Marx of being an economic determinist for believing that the mode of production is the only force that moves the base. Weber believes that social and legal factors such as status, class, party, and the division of social honor from economic order in addition to the eco nomy influence modern society, which, according to Weber, is a bureaucracy organized through the rational administration of labor. Weber believes that human history has been the progressive rationalization of life (modernity). The increased rationalism (measuring/controlling the labor process, ie: assembly line) based on logic and calculations instead of traditions, heart, and feeling of modernity le... ... be used to promote one’s status. An influential politician, for example, has a lot of power not because he has money, but because his decisions impact society at large and play a very important role in governing the lives of others.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Weber notes that although bureaucratic rationalization has disenchanted the world and its endurance seems inevitable, the spirit has not been completely eradicated. Weber believes that as an advanced society we cannot escape the pattern of rational rules and laws. However, he allows for the arrival of prophets or charismatic people from time to time, those who exhibit good rational administration skills as well as heart and passion. While offering no clear solution, Weber leaves us with an optimistic hope fo r the future and inspiration, perhaps, to emulate those extraordinary leaders of our time.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Isolation in Faulkners Light in August Essay -- Light August Essays

  Isolation in Light In August  Ã‚   In William Faulkner’s Light In August, most characters seem isolated from each other and from society. It is often argued that Lena Grove is an exception to this, but I have found that I cannot agree with this view. Consequently, this essay will show that Lena is lonely too, and that the message in Faulkner’s work on the issue of human contact is that everyone is essentially alone, either by voluntary recession from company or by involuntary exclusion, and the only escape from this loneliness is to have a proper family to comfort you. As a child, Lena was involuntarily isolated from a society she wanted to be a part of. We are told that â€Å"six or eight times a year she went to town on Saturday† (p. 5), which obviously was not enough for her. â€Å"It was because she believed that the people who saw her and whom she passed on foot would believe that she lived in town too† (p. 5). Lena had a need to be a part of society and join the ranks of ordinary people in an ordinary town, which presumably includes marrying and starting a family. Living with McKinley in a far off mill hamlet continued to keep Lena isolated, and this condition was further aggravated by the fact that she was kept busy with housework much of the time. Admittedly, housekeeping for a large family is one kind of community, but it is not the kind that Lena wants. She would rather have a family of her own than care for someone else’s, and so she seeks love in the form of Lucas Burch. Unfortunately, Burch does not want to start a family. He only uses Lena for his own pleasure, and as soon as she tells him about the pregnancy, he leaves town (p. 16-17). Lena takes off on a quest to reunite herself with her would-be hu... ...g the society she loves. When she no longer has any hope of putting her family together the way she reckons it should be, she can no longer face society because she will never fit in. Even if she married Bunch, he would still not be her child’s father, which would make their family an anomaly. Lena has turned into a voluntary outcast, dragging Byron Bunch around to help her run her daily life but never letting him get intimate, never really making him a part of her life. After being forced into isolation from society for most of her life, Lena has now chosen to remain isolated. She is just as alone as any other character in Light in August. The conclusion I inevitably reach is that Faulkner wanted to portray family as the ultimate unit of society. Without a family, you cannot fit into society, and if you do not fit into society, you are essentially alone.   

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Hersheys Food Corporation :: essays research papers

The Hershey Food Corporation is a very successful and quality business. Many products are manufactured by this corporation. Most relating, but not limited to chocolate. The corporation plays a role in deciding where products are produced. Hershey’s has expanded to both Canada and Mexico, which calls for many corporate decisions. There are an amazing amount of products associated with Hershey. These include Jolly Ranchers, Hershey Kisses, Hershey drink mixes, the entire line of Reese’s products as well as good old fashion chocolate bars. These products serve in the candy/snack foods division of sales. Society could do without them... but why would we want to?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hershey’s takes advantage of many different types of advertising. Television commercials and ads are very common. Sponsorships is also another very common way Hershey advertises. Hershey sponsors everything from ice skating shows, to racecars. The Hershey Food Corporation is very competitive so they need this type of advertising. However, the only other major corporation to compete with is Mars. The chocolate industry is diffidently not pure competition. Mars and Hershey’s form an oligopoly. Hershey’s has so many different kind of products that they have a lot of competition. The company has branched out to where they’re not only competing against other chocolates but also for fruit candies, and baking chocolate and chocolate drinks as well. The fact that so many products are offered, extends the corporation to different divisions. Mexico and Canada have manufacturing plants. Seventeen manufacturing plants include Hershey, Pa (Hershey p lant, Reese plant, West Hershey plant0, Hazleton, PA, Lancaster, PA, Memphis, Tenn., Naugatuck, Conn., New Brunswick, NJ, Oakedale, CA, Palmyra, PA, Reading, PA, Robinson, Ill., Stuarts Draft, VA, Wheatridge, CO, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Montreal, Quebec, Smiths Falls, Ontario, and Guadalajara, Mexico.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As successful as Hershey’s is, some factors have influenced set backs for the company. Devaluation in Brazil, Russia’s economic collapse, restructuring in China and the Asian financial crisis. World economics effect the Hershey’s company as well. Another closer to home setback occurred with a pasta divestiture. Evidently they tried a new venture in the pasta industry, but sold it because it just wasn’t making enough money.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Mr. Hershey treated his employees exceptionally well, ever since he first opened his business. His personal philosophy revolved around sharing wealth with others and helping who he could. Even in the Great Depression he employed as many people as he could. His business helped support an entire town, built around his factory.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Morning Assembly

Government of Bihar Science & Technology Department Technology Bhawan, Bailey Road, Patna Adv. No. – ST-01/2012 Dated – 26. 05. 2012 NOTICE FOR CONTRACT APPOINTEMENT OF TEACHING CADRE POSTS IN ENGINEERING COLLEGES & GOVT. POLYTECHNICS IN THE STATE OF BIHAR Online applications are invited for contract appointments on vacant posts of Professors, Associate Professors and Assistant Professors in Engineering Colleges and on vacant posts of Lecturers & H. O. D. in Govt.Polytechnics of the State of Bihar in different faculties of Engineering, Non-Engineering and Humanities streams under the Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of Bihar. 2. 2. 1 2. 1. 1 Edicational Qualification and Eligibility : Minimum Educational Eligibility for Contract Appointment in teaching cadre for Polytechnic Institutions: For Lecturer / Workshop Superintendent in Engineering and Technology: (a) The candidate is required to have passed the appropriate Graduation Level Engineering / Technology C ourse with Bachelor's degree in Engineering / Technology in the relevant branch with First Class or Equivalent.If the candidate has a Master's degree in Engineering / Technology, first class or equivalent is required at Bachelor's or Master's level. For Lecturer in Sciences and Humanities: The candidate must obtain First Class Master's degree in appropriate subject with first class or equivalent at bachelor's or Master's level.For Head of the Department (HOD) in Engineering / Technology : The candidate must have obtained Bachelor's and Master's degree of appropriate branch in Engineering / Technology with First Class or equivalent either at Bachelor's or Master's level with minimum of 10 years relevant experience in teaching / research / industry OR Bachelor's degree and Master's degree of appropriate branch in Engineering / Technology with First Class or equivalent either at Bachelor's or Master's level and Ph. D. r equivalent, in appropriate discipline in Engineering / Technology with minimum of 5 years relevant experience in teaching / research / industry. Minimum Educational Eligibility for Contract Appointment in teaching cadre of Engineering College: For Assistant Professor in Engineering / Technology: The Candidate should be B. E. / B. Tech and M. E. / M. Tech in relevant branch with First Class or equivalent either in B. E. / B. Tech or M. E. / M. Tech. For Assistant Professor in Pharmacy : The Candidate should be Bachelor's and Master's Degree in Pharmacy with First Class or equivalent either in Bachelor's or Master's Degree.For Assistant Professor in Sciences : The Candidate should have Good academic record with at least 55% marks or, an equivalent CGPA at the Master's Degree level in the relevant subject from an Indian University or an equivalent degree from a Foreign University. Besides fulfilling the above qualifications, candidates should have cleared the National Eligibility Test (NET) for Lecturers conducted by the UGC, CSIR or similar test acc redited by the UGC. For Associate Professor in Engineering / Technology : The Candidate should have B. E. B. Tech and M. E. / M. Tech in relevant branch with First Class or equivalent either in B. E. / B. Tech or M. E. / M. Tech and Ph. D. or equivalent in appropriate discipline with Minimum of 5 years experience in teaching / research / industry of which 2 years post Ph. D. experience is desirable. Post Ph. D. publications and guiding Ph. D. student is highly desirable. For Associate Professor in Sciences : The Candidate should have Good academic record with at least 55% marks or, an equivalent CGPA at the Master's level and Ph. D. egree in the relevant subject. 5 years experience in Teaching and / or Research excluding the period spent for obtaining the degrees and has made some mark in the areas of Scholarship as evidenced by quality of publications, contribution to educational innovation, design of new courses and curricula. 2. 2. 6 For Professor in Engineering / Technology : Ed ucational : (a) (b) The eligibility as mentioned for Associate Professor. Post Ph. D. publications and Guiding Ph. D. student is highly desirable. 2. 1. 2 2. 1. 3 2. 2 2. 2. 1 2. 2. 2 2. 2. 3 . 2. 4 2. 2. 5 Experience : Minimum of 10 years teaching / research / industrial experience of which at least 5 years should be at the level of Associate Professor OR Minimum of 13 years experience in teaching and / or Research and / or Industry. 3. Other Eligibility Criteria: (a) Nationality : (b) (c) 4. Age : Medical fitness : The Candidate should be a citizen of India. Minimum 18 years and maximum 64 years on 01. 01. 2012. Good mortal & Physical health, so as to fit to discharge official duty. Reservation : The reservation rule of the Govt. f Bihar will be applicable. 5. 6. Final Merit List : Final merit-list will be determined on the basis of total marks obtained in written Aptitude Test plus total marks determined on the basis of academic qualification & relevant experience. Brochure / Pro spectus : For details regarding provisions, eligibility, written aptitude test, consideration of Academic qualifications, procedure of selections etc. Please download the brochure from the website: www. bceceboard. com or www. bcecebonline. com and carefully go through it.Application Fee & Mode of submitting Application Form : (i) (ii) Application Fee for Gen, BC & EBC Categories Rs. 1000/- (Rs. One thousand only) Application Fee for SC & ST Categories Rs. 500/- (Rs. Five hundred only) The candidates are required to submit ‘ONLINE' Application Form as per the instructions given hereunder during the period from 02. 06. 2012 to 17. 06. 2012. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Visit website : www. bceceboard. com or www. bcecebonline. com Click on â€Å"Online Application for Contract Appointment of Teaching Cadre Posts†.Download the â€Å"Brochure† for details. Click on â€Å"Online Registration†. Online Application Form to be submitted in two parts i. e. ==; ==; # # (II) Part-1 Part-2 Includes personal details, contact details, academic details & work experience. Has four sections – Fee payment, Uploading of Photograph, Uploading of Signatures in English & Hindi. 2 7. 8. Submission of Online Application Form : (I) For filling up the above said both parts of the Application Form, follow the instruction as crop-up in computer.Your online Application Form will not be registered unless you upload your photograph, signature and Bank Draft no. & Date with issuing branch of the Bank. Take a print-out of the completed Application Form, attach Bank Draft for Fee and other required self attested certificates / documents and send it through Speed Post/ Registered Post only so as to reach latest by 27. 06. 2012 at the following address: â€Å"The Nodal Officer, Department of Science & Technology (Govt. of Bihar), C/o I. A. S. Bhawan, Near Patna Airport, Patna-800014† (III) 9.For Application Fee the required Bank Draft must be Payable at Patna and issued from any of the nationalised Bank in favour of Controller of Examination, B. C. E. C. E. Board. The last date for submission of Online Application Form is 17. 06. 2012 till 5. 00 PM. The last date for submission of print out of the Application Form alongwith Bank Draft and other documents through Registered Post / Speed Post is 27. 06. 2012 (5. 00 PM). For any delay in Postal transit, the authority will not undertake any responsibility what-so-ever. Nodal Officer Deptt. of Sc. & Technology (Govt. of Bihar)

Friday, August 16, 2019

Advertising: It’s Everywhere

Advertising: It's EverywhereNo, it's not your imagination. The amount of advertising and marketing North Americans are exposed to daily has exploded over the past decade; studies show, that on average we see 3,000 ads per day. At the gas pumps, in the movie theatre, in a washroom stall, during sporting events—advertising is impossible to avoid. Even outer space isn't safe from commercialization: the Russian space program launched a rocket bearing a 30-foot Pizza Hut logo, and some companies have investigated placing ads in space that will be visible from earth.The challenge of the future may be finding public and private spaces that are free of advertising. Marketers are pressed to find even more innovative and aggressive ways to cut through the â€Å"ad clutter† or â€Å"ad fatigue† of modern life. Here's an overview of some of the ways marketers are targeting us: * Ambient advertising Ambient advertising refers to intrusive ads in public places. With the cost o f traditional media advertising skyrocketing and a glut of ads fighting for consumers' attention, marketers are aggressively seeking out new advertising vehicles.Cars, bicycles, taxis and buses have become moving commercials. Ambient ads appear on store floors, at gas pumps, in washrooms stalls, on elevator walls, park benches, telephones, fruit and even pressed into the sand on beaches. Even some members of the industry itself are critical of this trend to slap ads on everything. Bob Garfield, columnist for the ad industry magazine  Advertising Age, calls this plethora of commercial messages â€Å"environment pollutants. † Others worry that this deluge of advertising will create a backlash with consumers. Stealth- endorsers Marketers are moving away from the traditional use of celebrities as product hucksters, since a cynical public no longer believes that celebrities actually use the products they endorse in commercials. The trend now is to brand celebrities with specific merchandise by having them use or wear products in public appearances or promote them in media interviews—without making it clear that the celebrities are paid spokespeople. * Naming rights Corporations are turning public spaces into commodities by purchasing naming rights to arenas, theatres, parks, schools, museums and even subway systems.Cash-strapped municipalities see naming rights as a way to raise much-needed revenues without raising taxes. * Targeted advertising Targeted ads are a form of Internet marketing. Using sophisticated data collecting technologies, Web sites can combine a user's personal information with surfing preferences to create ads that are specifically tailored for that user. * Cross-merchandizing A wave of media mergers over the past decade has produced a handful of powerful conglomerates that now own all the major film studios, TV networks, radio and television stations, cable channels, Internet, book and magazine publishing and music companies.Thes e giant conglomerates use their various media holdings to promote products and artists through massive cross-promotional campaigns. For example, when the world's largest entertainment conglomerate AOL Time Warner was preparing the release of the film  Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, it enlisted all its various media divisions—cable systems, speciality channels, TV networks, magazines and Internet companies—to help mass-market the movie and the spin-off merchandise.Commenting on the phenomenally successful cross-promotional approach used to market the film (Harry Potter smashed all previous opening records, grossing $90 million in its first weekend) AOL Time Warner executive Richard Parsons explained: â€Å"This drove synergy both ways. Not only did we use our promotional and advertising platforms to help create awareness, we used the film to drive traffic to those vehicles. † * Product placement The future of product placement as a successful advertisin g tool was assured when the 1982 film  ET  featured Reese's Pieces in a pivotal scene—causing sales of the candy to jump 65 per cent.Since that time, product placement in movies, on TV, and increasingly in video games, has become a commonplace marketing technique. The marketing company FeatureThis extols the virtues of product placement for potential clients, on its Web site: â€Å"Break through the cluttered media entertainment environment inexpensively,† it claims â€Å"product placement in feature films and television reaches millions of consumers, over and over again. † With the advent of technologies such as TiVo, which allow consumers to edit out TV commercials, product placement is taking on an even greater importance.TV producers are looking for new ways to integrate advertising and content. Basing an entire show around a product is one technique; and giving viewers the capability of immediately purchasing products featured on the program is another. Following a segment of the NBC TV show  Will and Grace, in which a character wore a pink Polo shirt, the network ran a 10-second clip telling viewers to go to the Polo Web site (which is 50 per cent owned by NBC) to purchase one.The site sold $3,000 worth of shirts over the next five days. In the near future, Interactive TV will allow users to order a pair of pants that your favourite TV star is wearing, merely by clicking on them. * Digital or â€Å"virtual† advertising Digital advertising goes one step further than product placement by using computer technology to add products to scenes that were never there to begin with.This practice is common in sporting events coverage, where ads are digitally inserted onto the billboards, sideboards and playing surfaces in arenas and stadiums. While digital ads are mainly used in sports coverage, virtual advertising is starting to break into the entertainment world as producers digitally insert products into TV scenes after the scen es are shot. The technology also allows product names to be altered in scenes, creating the potential for new advertising revenues when series are sold into syndication. |

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Knowing your Audience Paper and Communication Release Essay

When a company needs to pass information to another organization or a group of people it is very important that the company knows their audience. If the information is regarding a disaster, it is even more important to make sure the company knows their audience. One example of a company needing to know their audience was the Chilean copper mine in South America. On Thursday, August 5, 2010, A collapse of one of the shafts in the Chilean copper mine left 33 workers trapped approximately 300 meters underground. At once, rescue efforts began but just two days later another collapse in the mine halted the efforts of the rescue crews for many hours (Weik, 2010). In such a disastrous circumstance, the company would need to take great care in how the world found out about the disaster. If not done properly then the companies audience, the world, would view the company is a much worse light then if they had properly released the information. There are two ways in which the company would be releasing information. The first would be to the families of the workers and the second would be to the other employees and then to the press. The representatives chosen by the company to handle these releases will have to take great care in how it is done to keep the reputation of the company intact, while making sure that all information is truthful and accurate. This disaster affected many people. Not only did the collapse affect the 33 miners that were in the mine, it also affected the families of those workers. The families were in agony while they waited to hear if their loved ones would make it out alive. It is the mining companies responsibility to make sure the family member are aware of everything that is happening and what is being done to get their loved ones rescued out of the mines safely. This communication process is more important than anything being told to the other workers or the press. Not knowing your audience in this first step could prove disastrous overall for the company. Once the families have been informed it is important to let the fellow co-workers know what is happening. Many of the men trapped would have friends who also work for the company and they would want to know what is happening. By making sure the other employees know about what is happening, the company can try to keep them from saying too much to news reporters and it will help ease their minds. Once the employees have been notified, make it clear that all information to the press needs to come from the company. When something is said to an audience that was not properly prepared for that audience, it could have disastrous results. Through the press the company will next have to handle the communication on an international level. Because the mine company was global they were on the world stage. The company owned mines in many other parts of the world, not just in South America. In a situation like this one, rumors began to fly without much hesitation and although rumor control was important with the company, it is impossible to stop. Another aspect of communication that was not very publically known was the communication with the investors, owners and stockholders of the company. It is very important to keep this audience informed with what was going on because if information was withheld then it could potentially cause a panic. Once in panic mode, the investors could damage the company more by stopping funds, dumping assets and plunge the company into bankruptcy. Money is very important to investors and when they receive news about their investments, good or bad, it weighs heavily on how they will react. For the good of the company’s future, it was very important that they inform this group personally and not let them hear it from the news organizations covering the story. There are many different ways to deliver communications like the ones previously reviewed. When speaking to the family members of the workers it is best to do so face to face so they feel important about where they stand in this type of situation. Calling with the information on the phone would seem impersonal and would give the families thoughts that they are not as important. An example of this would be when monetary damages were to be paid to the families of the workers; many family members who were not known to the company came forward looking for money (Prengaman, 2010). Whenever a company needs to approach an audience it is vitally important that the company knows who the audience will be and that they tailor their communications to that audience. In the communication should be all the details that can possibly be put in and the company needs to be as truthful as possible. Waiting a long time before a communication is released could also damage the situation further. The best possible way to assure the communication is effective is to deliver it in the best format to the audience (Cheesebro, O’Connor, & Rios, 2010).

Pulley Mechanism

Transmission of PowerPulley Mechanism ByManoj Tiwari DFT/NIFT-G’Nagar Learning ObjectivesTo understand the Pulley Mechanism To develop the understanding of Mechanical Advantage using pulleys. To explore the applications of Pulleys for mechanical power transmission Class room Teachings by Manoj Tiwari 2 Pulley†¦ The pulley a variation of the axle and wheel; the wheel is grooved to guide a rope, chain or cable along the circumference of the wheel, which moves freely around the axle. Class room Teachings by Manoj Tiwari 3 Pulley†¦ At its most simple use, the pulley works to hange the direction of force applied in a system. More complex uses of pulleys are frequently used to gain mechanical advantage in a system. Class room Teachings by Manoj Tiwari 4 Pulley Systems†¦ Fixed (Class 1) Pulley Moveable (Class II) Pulley Combination (Class III) Pulley Class room Teachings by Manoj Tiwari 5 Fixed Pulley†¦ Often used to alter the direction of force in a system Weight of force is equal to the weight of the object being moved. Advantage is gained by moving the operator away from the load Class room Teachings by Manoj Tiwari 6 Fixed Pulley†¦ †¢A fixed pulley does not ncrease your force and therefore gives you no advantage. †¢It helps a person lift things by changing the direction of force. It allows a person to pull down in order to lift a load up. Class room Teachings by Manoj Tiwari 7 Fixed Pulley†¦ Class room Teachings by Manoj Tiwari 8 Movable pulley (Floating Pulley)†¦ Used to gain mechanical advantage to lift weight (W) by multiplying the forces Weight of force (F) required to move the object is equal to the number of ropes (N) supporting the load (W). F = W/N Class room Teachings by Manoj Tiwari 9 Movable Pulley†¦ It is called a movable ulley because it moves with the load. The pulley is suspended by a rope with one portion of the rope (called a rope segment) on each side. Each rope segment supports half the lo ad. Class room Teachings by Manoj Tiwari 10 Movable Pulley†¦ The pulley is suspended and as a consequence the mechanical advantage is increased. The rope on the left and right of the pulley are both lifting the LOAD, they each lift half its weight hence the load is split into 2 parts. Class room Teachings by Manoj Tiwari 11 Combination Pulley†¦ †¢The problem with movable pulleys is that a person has to pull up to lift a load. In order to make the job of lifting a load easier, a fixed pulley can be added to allow lifting a load by pulling down. †¢By combining a fixed pulley to a movable pulley, a person gets the advantages of both. The movable pulley doubles the person’s force, and at the same time the fixed pulley let the person pull down to lift the load up. Class room Teachings by Manoj Tiwari 12 Combination Pulley†¦ Class room Teachings by Manoj Tiwari 13 Combination Pulley†¦ Class room Teachings by Manoj Tiwari 14 Combination Pulley†¦ Cl ass room Teachings by Manoj Tiwari 15 Questions†¦ Class room Teachings by Manoj Tiwari 16

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Female Education

The history of progress of the human race is the history of education. Hence it is necessary or every person, man or woman, to be educated. The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. Women should be educated like men; otherwise there can be no peace or no progress. If you yoke an unbroken (untrained) horse with a highly trained one, the carriage will be dashed to pieces and the occupants’ lives will be destroyed. The family peace cannot be preserved with such ill-matched life-long companions.Napoleon was once asked what the greatest need of France was. He answered, â€Å"Motherland’s National progress is impossible without trained and educated mothers†. If the women in any country are not educated, about half . he people in that country will be Ignorant. The result is that such a country will not be able to go along with other nations in development and progress. I’ll There is a greet controversy going on in Pakistan their women should receive her edu cation or not.Orthodox people are in favor of female education, but they us opposed to giving them higher education but this view does not sound welt. If women are mentally fit to receive higher education, there seems to be no reason why they should not be allowed to develop their mental faculties. There is other group of liberal people which Ii In favor of the female education. To give them only the rudiments of knowledge, while they are eager for advanced studies, is to condemn them to a place of inferiority.A woman has to play three distinct pests in the course of her life in each of which certain duties are expected of her. If she is able to do these well, she is worthy of being called perfect woman. It is only by the help of education that she can hope to be able to do them satisfactorily. The first duty of a woman is to be a good daughter. Th. second is to be a good wife and the third is to be a good mother. Education Leeches a woman what she should be. It also teaches her how she should do it to be a good daughter, a good wife and a good mother.Many men spend their evening time at clubs and societies. But a gentleman with an educated wife will not feel the need of clubs and societies. He can share his thoughts with her and seek her advice in trouble. Ho can spend his leisure Lime in her company. An educated lady will be a good Mend, a clever nurse and a useful adviser to her husband. She will be a true helpmate. She can retain her husband’s affection and regard. An uneducated lady is always unable to share in his interests. There is a saying in English. The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world†. The meaning is this that the mother exercises a very great influence over the lives of her children and is able to mould their thoughts and characters. If she is educated, she will make such an impression on the mind of her child, that it will enable him in later life to grow into a good and great man. Thus education will enable women to make their parents, husbands and children truly happy. Consequently it is very important that women should be educated.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Human Sexuality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 3

Human Sexuality - Essay Example There are numerous dimensions to human sexuality. Some are familiar and have been covered extensively by numerous research, studies and academic literature. However, I believe that there are interesting and new variables that are emerging today in our time. This is the main consideration why I have chosen the items outlined in this portfolio. From this perspective, for instance, Sigmund Freud comes to mind first. His interest in human sexuality has been seen as a challenge to the permeating social norms of the Victorian age. He was an agent of change in the field. I think that the social and cultural landscape of the contemporary world is in a threshold not unlike the transition period marked by the emergence of the Freudian school of thought. Then, the rest of the issues outlined here are, in my opinion, the pivotal forces that would shape human sexuality in the days to come. They share the elements of liberalism, technology and the constant challenge to tradition. In regard to my critical analysis, experience and values played a significant part although this is just up to some extent. I have chosen some traditional concepts in the portfolio such as those pertaining to procreation and love. Then, as part of the Western society, I have no qualms about my cultural bias against those who practice female genital mutilation even though I acknowledge that some serious considerations must be given to other peoples’ cultural and religious sensibilities.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Report on the Current Financial Crisis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Report on the Current Financial Crisis - Essay Example They explain that increasing liquidity and increasing nontraditional mortgages which were deceptive and beyond the ability of borrowers to pay was another trigger of financial crisis. Another trigger of financial crisis was the failure in securitization and credit rating which made poorly performing mortgages into bad financial assets. Security markets and stakeholders brought down credit quality in mortgages they securitized even as credit-rating organizations erroneously rated such securities as viable investments (Bancel and Usha 179). The buyers did not carry out due diligence thereby leading to losses. The financial crisis had various impacts on the global economy and the financial markets. The crisis led to reduction in the gross domestic product in most countries. The decline in GDP in some European countries in 2009 ranged between 5 and 8 percent and the decline was highest in countries that had their financial systems highly leveraged and the credit growth was high before th e onset of the crisis. The financial crisis also led to increased rates of inflation in countries especially in countries where the financial sector has not been adequately regulated (Bancel and Usha 183). The rates of unemployment globally went up following the financial crisis. Unemployment increased due to slowed production and sales in most economic sectors thereby constraining the job opportunities. The financial crisis also led to a decline in global trade with the less developed countries suffering from huge deficits of trade. The other effect of the financial crisis was negative impacts on the exchange rates of most currencies (DLA Nordic 1). Most import dependent countries experienced a sharp decline in the value of their currencies as compared to other countries thereby disadvantaging importers. Systematic risk refers to the possibility of the whole financial system collapsing in contrast to the collapse of a single group or component. Systematic risk has spread throughout the globe due to integration of the globe in trade, markets and finance. Technology has enhanced integration thereby making the world a global village (Tchana Tchana 1). The other factor that led to the spread of systematic risks throughout the globe is regulation. Systematic risks cause increased flow of investment in different countries. This is because as the investors seek to diverse their profits and mitigate the negative impacts, they choose to invest in countries that have low risk levels. Additionally, the systematic risks caused by financial crisis causes reduction in investments as the banks lack adequate resources to loan out for capital investment. Consequently, long term investments become slowed. The financial crisis had two effects on credit such as bonds (Bancel and Usha 183). The first effect was a reduction in the number of creditors given that only those creditors able to issue good quality bonds could get to the market thereby increasing their credit ratings. Ad ditionally, average systematic risks of creditors also increased dramatically (Bancel and Usha 183). The Federal Reserve has implemented several short and long term measures to prevent the domino effects (Reddy and Joellen 1). The main aim for Fed’s involvement was to enhance liquidity given that during the period the liquidity was low. Fed offered improved liquidity via open

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Define Marketing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Define Marketing - Research Paper Example This feedback helped them to produce the goods in a new way – incorporating the features in reference to its utility, aesthetics and as per the needs and wants of the customers. The companies who incorporated this philosophy in their production planning process found that their sales are bouncing without any further need to hard sell the product. Sales people gradually became less important for the organization as marketing techniques came into the forefront. A strong marketing perspective virtually needs no sales person; the product sells on its own. Apple is the most glaring example of true marketing philosophy in recent days that has rocked the market. Currently, there is not a single product in the market place where marketing concepts are not employed. Relationship with the customer is built through product and services offered to them. The sales concept aimed at building the relationship through the efforts of sales person. In fact, a strong marketing vision needs to be at the place and the organization with orientation focused on sales only cannot survive in the current market situation. While marketing is so important for an organization; it is obvious that marketing plan is also equally important in an organization because the plan helps implement the marketing perspective of the company in a proper way to achieve desired results that the organization wants to achieve in the given time frame. Marketing plan has many important components such as mission, organizational objectives, SWOT analysis, setting assumptions, marketing objectives and strategies in line with organizational objectives, formulation of strategies, budgeting, and implementation program. The marketing plan has a lot of tactical details that spell out various actions to be taken in a given time frame with clearly defined responsibility on a person or group of persons. At times, marketing planners incorporate a strategic perspective too into the planning

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Societal Issues in The Lord of the Flies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Societal Issues in The Lord of the Flies - Essay Example Right and wrong begin to fall to the wayside with the introduction of the hunt. Jack uses clay to disguise his face and trick the pigs, changing the visual representation of himself, moving further from society and rendering himself unrecognizable. Both Ralph and Jack still have some connection to the past, but Jack is moving away from it to create his own world governed by the laws of hunting and survival. Without any adults on the island, the boys must learn to govern themselves; however, problems ensue.The youngest, the least influenced by society, are the first to run away, the first to show anarchy and the breakdown of societal control. The boys give up the chance for rescue for the chance to kill. Their value system has shifted significantly. The degradation of the natural world through burning fires or killing pigs mirrors the breakdown of the boys' socialized humanity. Roger throws stones near one of the younger boys, Henry.He aims a few yards away, still following the laws of society.Civilization forces him to limit his primitive violent instincts, but these constraints no longer fetter him by the end of the novel.

Prospective Analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Prospective Analysis - Assignment Example The random walk model outlines that the stock price or earnings change have same distributions and are independent of each other thus past movements of stock price or earnings cannot be used to predict the future stock price movement. I disagree with John’s forecast strategy since the assumption of unchanging mean and variance is debatable. b. A merger or acquisition is will increase the future net income due to higher sales growth and more revenue generation from the acquisition. The merger or acquisition will reduce competition thus enhance the future net income. The best model that describes a better pattern of the earnings per share is the mean-reversion model since competition in the market will drive abnormal levels of profits to mean while reinvestment of the earnings will likely earn more levels of earnings. According to many analysts, the Earnings Factory is a ‘darling’ of the ASX. Its current market price $ 15 per share and its book value is $ 5 per share. Analysts forecast that the organisation’s book value will grow by 10 per cent per year indefinitely and the cost of equity is 15 per cent. The market’s expectation of the organisation’s long-term average ROE is calculated as follows; Companies with a high ROE can have a low PE ratio when the investors expect the firm will continue generate positive abnormal ROEs. The PE ratio is the market price per share divided by the earnings per

Friday, August 9, 2019

College Life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

College Life - Essay Example College life in these regions may differ a great deal, and it is with a great deal of effort that most students adapt from one environment to another (Snider 195). This paper will examine some aspects of college that are present in these regions, and how the differences that exist between the two set them apart from every other region. Various institutions have certain aspects that make them what they are in today’s modern world. It is imperative that institutions, especially higher learning ones, have certain aspects that can tie, attribute, or link their professionalism or success to their education system. Vast improvements in the nature of technology, the level of commitment when it comes to counseling and discipline, and even the protection and observation of individual rights in many institutions may be attributed to the rise in performance levels across the globe, hence; achievement of personal and overall goals and objectives in the different regions present (Snider 20 1). One aspect that requires attention from all fronts may be freedom exhibited in most higher learning institutions. Various scholars have discussed and dissected this aspect, and some of the implications that arise from it. Hodges James, O’Donnell James, and John William, â€Å"Cradle of conscience: Ohio’s independent colleges and universities.† 2003. ... g to the university life as they are able to choose the curriculum in which they want to enroll in, ranging from business, environmental safety and occupational health management. This progress has seen them increase structures in the famous Davis Street, which can now host some of their pharmacy programs. The capability of the university to house many students has enabled it to acquire different students, from all walks of life, to enroll in its different programs. Sadly, universities in Saudi Arabia may not have the same opportunities as universities in this region as it is difficult for them to integrate the learning system that is common in most learning institutions in the world. A lot has changed since the inception of the University. For example, it became the first university to offer the nation’s first bachelor’s degree in hazardous waste studies, which is referred to environmental safety and occupational health management. The technology available in the Unive rsity allows the various activities to take place, at the ease and convenience of the students. Saudi Arabia may need to look for inspiration in such advancement, and embrace the technological advancement that is seen in most of the campus innovative centers in American universities. The classrooms are now increasing in size and the structures modified to suit the diverse needs of students. One thing that stands out from Saudi Arabia universities is their provision of free education. The U.S is yet to embrace this, which means that most of the people in Saudi Arabia are being accorded the chance to achieve more in terms of education. An increase in the number of students indicates that people appreciate the University and all it offers. In Saudi Arabia, only a small number of students can be recorded

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Street art and political revolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Street art and political revolution - Essay Example Freedom of expression speech is assumed as the only channel of expression, but art also plays a big role in it. Political revolutions tend to have beliefs and stand for a particular cause that the people concerned are willing to die for. Revolutionist should have a symbol or an art figure that represents this cause, which tends to motivate and keep them focused on the eventual cause of their struggle. Noam’s face which is used as a symbol by Iran activists represents anger and suffering which people find familiar. The result of the picture is Iranians in the dark of night shout slogans imitating Noam’s scream in darkness. The visual representation that these people look for is mainly found in the street from artists who feel aggravated by the prevalent conditions that affect them, which they transform into art. In many revolutions where people fight against their oppression, the Che Guevara portrait is common in many flags of the revolutionary organizations. This is a s ymbolic representation of Che Guevara’s struggles against oppression, which he succeeded in the end. Street art is not only used in showing the struggle, but also there are those that show a new day will come where action will be taken and the oppression will end (261). In a revolution, the people reclaim control of infrastructure, national resources, social amenities from the governing body. In Tunisia, street art was elemental in reclamation of public spaces where the oppressed were given an opportunity for them to express themselves.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Everyday language and everyday life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Everyday language and everyday life - Essay Example Oh my gosh, I’m a dork, shoot me. Laughing out loud†¦ â€Å"See you at the bar for pizza tonight!† Obviously, no parent, from his or her perspective, could interpret that perfectly! The preponderance for jargons or acronyms for texting and emailing came as a natural consequence of the need for speed in communicating messages across various medium. Further, since cell phones have virtually minute screens to contain long words and complete sentences, people who are in a hurry to send instant messages creatively designed messages in shorthand. Even businesses need to be apprised of these jargons and abbreviations to answer messages coming from diverse stakeholders. A secretary behind closed door meeting could instantly text: PEBCAK to her colleague to mean Problem Exists between Chair and Keyboard – to which the recipient could reply: FYI I’m OTP (for your information, I’m on the phone). With the basic objective of increasing the speed by which messages are sent and delivered, the emergence of abbreviated words came as a necessity and as a form of creative expression. Does it really have a negative effect on children in terms of literacy and correct usage of the English language? While viewing it’s Only a Theory from You Tube, an interesting proposition was being defended by David Crystal, a professor of linguistic from Bangor University, that â€Å"texting is good for the English language†. He disputed several myths, one of which is that kids use abbreviations in texting which leave letters out affecting their knowledge to spell. Likewise, these abbreviations continue to be used in essays and examinations which mean that adults are rearing this generation of kids that are totally illiterate. The funny thing is that Professor Crystal concluded the contentions my saying that these are all a load of chicken droppings. Texting, with all its abbreviations, when used frequently is